If we’ve learned anything these past few years as they tried to lock us in our homes, shut down our businesses, close our schools, and deem certain of us “non-essential”, it’s that community is essential.
Finding your tribe is more important now than ever. And according to my guest, Isabel Sam, it’s how we can fight back and win against encroaching tyranny and socialism.
And she would know.
Isabel’s family has escaped various shades of socialism in not just 1, but 2 different countries.
Frighteningly, she sees many parallels today to what’s happening in America and the socialist countries she and her family escaped from.
After living through and studying various countries that have gone through the horrors of socialism, Isabel has concluded that forming strong, tight-knit communities is the best strategy for fighting back and preventing its further rise.
Not only that, she’s developed a replicable action plan for how to find your tribe and build community.
Hear all about it in our lively and, at times, spicy chat!
Guest Website
Florida Freedom Family – FLFreedomFam.me
Resources Mentioned
Live Not By Lies, by Rod Dreher – https://amzn.to/45QQjcR
The White Pill, by Michael Malice – https://amzn.to/3rhGqpI
The Kindness Challenge, by Shaunti Feldhahn – https://amzn.to/45T7drg
Hunt, Gather, Parent, by Michaeleen Doucleff – https://amzn.to/48fkagN
Find Your People, by Jennie Allen – https://amzn.to/48tbZxE
Guest Social Media
Instagram (@flfreedomfam) – https://instagram.com/flfreedomfam?igshid=MWZjMTM2ODFkZg==
Telegram (Florida Freedom Family) – https://t.me/FLFreedomFam