Legal Resources
Description: Primer on religious exemptions written by an attorney https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/primer-on-religious-exemption-requests-f31
Description: COVID ULTIMATUM GUIDE 🦠 A comprehensive guide for folks facing imminent “vaccinate or terminate” employment policies.
The Healthy American
Description: We provide PRACTICAL SOLUTIONS, personal advocacy and consulting to help you:
- Understand the laws affecting businesses, schools, travel, employees, medical
- Keep your business open lawfully
- Navigate public, private or home school environments while defending your freedom
Liberty Counsel
Description: Liberty Counsel is a nonprofit ministry that operates a pro bono litigation program providing assistance and representation involving religious freedom, the sanctity of life and the family. Many resources available for those facing jab or job mandates.
Alliance Defending Freedom
Description: ADF is the world’s largest legal organization committed to protecting religious freedom, free speech, the sanctity of life, parental rights, and God’s design for marriage and family.
Liberty Justice Center
Description: Liberty Justice Center fights for the constitutional rights of American families, workers, advocates and entrepreneurs.
The Tom Woods Show
Description: Your daily dose of liberty education. Shredding the 3 x 5 card of allowable opinion. Commute-length daily podcasts dealing with current events and evergreen topics like economics, history, and politics from a libertarian perspective.
Wise Traditions Podcast
Description: We believe in embracing the wisdom of our ancestors for good health today. WAPF’s Wise Traditions podcast is a fun, easy way to access information provided by the Weston A. Price Foundation about the Wise Traditions diet and principles. The show has a focus on real food, alternative healing protocols, and down-to-earth, practical healthy habits that have stood the test of time.
The Brion McClanahan Show
Description: The Brion McClanahan Show discusses history, politics, and society with the slogan “Think Locally, Act Locally.”
The Survival Podcast
Description: The Survival Podcast is a daily online audio show about self sufficiency and self reliance in the modern world.
The Corbett Report
Description: The Corbett Report is an independent, listener-supported alternative news source. It operates on the principle of open source intelligence and provides podcasts, interviews, articles and videos about breaking news and important issues from 9/11 Truth and false flag terror to the Big Brother police state, eugenics, geopolitics, the central banking fraud and more.
Unmasked: The Global Failure of COVID Mask Mandates
Author: Ian Miller
Description: Unmasked tells the story of how effective or ineffective masks and mask mandate policies were in impacting the trajectory of the pandemic throughout the world.
With easy-to-understand charts and visual aids, along with detailed, clear explanations of the dramatic shift in policy and expectations, Unmasked makes the data-driven case that masks might not have achieved the goals that Fauci and other public health experts created.
COVID Charts CNN Forgot
Author: Tom Woods
Free e-book. chartstheyforgot.com
Description: The “blame people for the virus” strategy is a way for public officials who have no idea what they’re doing to transfer the blame for their catastrophic failures onto normal people. This free eBook by New York Times bestselling author Tom Woods smashes the “numbers go up because you refuse to stay home and wear two masks” argument to smithereens.
Unreported Truths About Covid-19 and Lockdowns
Author: Alex Berenson
Description: Former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson offers all a combined version of three booklets in the controversial and best-selling Unreported Truths about Covid series – at one low price.Since the publication of the first booklet in June, Unreported Truths has offered an honest counterpart to over-the-top media coverage about the risks of the coronavirus and ways to stop it. Part 1 focused on the ways governments count and report Covid-19 deaths. Part 2 covered the history of lockdowns and the evidence that they work – or don’t. And Part 3 gave the same treatment to masks and mask mandates. All three booklets draw on primary sources like Centers for Disease Control reports, news articles, and scientific papers – and all three offer direct links to the material so that you the reader can judge it for yourself.
Cultural Marxism and the Great Reset
Cynical Theories: How Activist Scholarship Made Everything About Race, Gender, and Identity — and Why This Harms Everybody
Authors: James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose
Description: Cynical Theories is a brilliant book, offering an incisive and much needed critique of the cult of social justice. The authors painstakingly trace its origins in postmodernism and, in doing so, expose the ways in which a once fashionable coterie of theorists infiltrated the mainstream with catastrophic consequences for liberalism, equality, and free speech.
The Great Reset and the Struggle For Liberty: Unraveling the Global Agenda
Author: Michael Rectenwald
Description: The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty: Unraveling the Global Agenda is the definitive treatment of the Great Reset. In a scholarly examination, Rectenwald treats the various components of the Great Reset, including the economic system it establishes, the deep history of the World Economic Forum (WEF), the population control “ethics” of the WEF and related globalist organizations, climate change catastrophism, the technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (including transhumanism), and the question of conspiracy theory.
Covid Charts Quiz
Description: In 2020 people were told that business closures, stay-at-home orders, lockdowns, and mask mandates were necessary to slow the spread of SARS-CoV-2.
Some people expected that places where these measures were absent or implemented half-heartedly would have drastically worse results.
With more than a year of these measures behind us, it’s time to evaluate the results.
Preliminary academic studies have already been published, and they deserve our attention. This quiz is intended for the layman, because if these radical measures were truly justified the results should be clear and unambiguous in the data.
Rational Ground
Description: Charts, data, infographics, and more that show the mainstream Covid narrative to be a farce.
PANDA — Pandemics Data & Analytics
Description: PANDA Pandemics ~ Data & Analytics is a multidisciplinary group seeking to inform policy by considering explanations that allow us to count the human cost of COVID-19 responses globally. PANDA is a collective of leading scientists, actuaries, economists, data scientists, statisticians, medical professionals, lawyers, engineers and businesspeople working as a collective to replace bad science with good science.
The Mask Map
Description: The Mask Map has been described as “The Yelp for Public Health” on Reddit.
Quite simply, The Mask Map is a map for consumers to share their real life observations of mask use and policies at businesses. Know before you go!
CV Facts
Description: Important facts about Covid suppressed by mainstream media. Your one stop shop for all info and data related to Covid!